Flag-raising Ceremony for the 66th anniversary of National Day

2015-10-01 10:52:00
Summary : On 30th September,Talent Mold Technology Company hold a Flag-raising Ceremony for China's 66th anniversary of National Day

1st October 2015 is our 66th National Day anniversary,in order to celebrate this important festival, we held a solennemente flag-raising ceremony with all the staff of our company.


In the past 66 years, Under the leadership of communst party of China,great changes have taken place in China. Especially sinece three decades of refrom and openng up,China has undergone enormous change:political progress,economic prosperity and culture flourish, and Chinese enterprises have vigorously undertaken Ecotech with overseas enterprises and scored tremendous achevements.


With China’s labor costs rise year by year and demographic dividend gradually disappear, a lot of foreign companies have begun leaving to southeast Asian countries,this situation brought a major impact for our manufacturing industry. In the face of brutal markets,our company made the adjustments on internal management in time,with the cooperation of all our employees,these adjustments promoted the staff’s enthusiasm and initiative,and has been improved in producton efficiency and cost control, achieved the win-win of the company and the staff. It is a stronger confirmation that as long as we united, must be able to overcome any difficulties and create a better tomorrow. 

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